Retirement planning is a critical financial responsibility
that every individual owes to himself and his loved ones. Those who ignore it,
have much to rue later when they outlive the money supply in the bank. With
increase in life expectancy and escalating cost of living and healthcare,
retirement planning must be taken up on priority.
Here are 10 tips for
buying a retirement plan
Earlier the better –
Retirement planning must begin early on. How early? Right from the time, you
draw your first cheque, set aside some money for a rainy day. Over time as your
salary/income increases, hike the contributions.
Equities are
important – Studies have proved that over time, equities can add
significant value to the portfolio compared to other assets like fixed
deposits, bonds, gold and property. So when you are planning for retirement,
make sure equities are part of your plan. This could be in the form of
unit-linked pension plans or equity funds or stocks.
Think diversification
– Equities are good, but so are fixed deposits, bonds and gold. Wait,
aren’t we contradicting the previous point where we said equities work harder
than other assets. True, but that is not to say equities will solve all your
problems. You need a portfolio with equities in it along with other assets like
fixed deposits and gold. All these assets need to be in a particular weightage
or allocation. Together they form a portfolio that can help you achieve
post-retirement aspirations.
PPF will not be
enough – Many individuals go into retirement planning with an auto pilot
mindset. They contribute money towards options like PPF (public provident fund)
or EPF (employee’s provident fund) and believe they are set to retire in
comfort. This is far from the truth, these options are at best one of the
avenues we discussed earlier (remember equities, fixed deposits, bonds, gold).
There is more to be done in terms of building a portfolio than just PPF. PPF or
EPF won’t even be enough to fight inflation. Picture this – if long-term
inflation is at 6% and the PPF rate is 8.5%, that’s a mere 2.5% (8.5%-6.0%) net
of inflation. Imagine you go into PPF thinking you will make Rs 85 on every Rs
1,000 and you end up making Rs 25 on every Rs 1,000 because inflation stole the
rest of the money from you.
Vesting age –Go
for pension plan with a vesting age that matches your needs. There are some
pension plans with vesting age starting at 40 years. So if you want an income
stream that early on in life, go for such a plan. On the other hand, there are
plans with vesting age at 85 years, which is suitable if you plan to retire
Higher sum assured -
Go for a Retirement Pension Plan that gives out
higher of sum assured on vesting and accrued bonuses or assured benefit.
Assured death benefit – Prefer a plan with a minimum payment
on death – for e.g. 100% of reimbursement of premiums.
A suitable annuity
option– Opt for a pension plan with the annuity options most suited to you
– for e.g. the lifetime option guarantees annuity for a certain number of years
regardless of whether policyholder survives or not, the joint life/last
survivor annuity gives out pension till the individual is alive, post which his
spouse receives the pension.
Expenses – Go for
options where charges / expenses are competitive. Remember the more money you
lose towards expenses, the less you save towards retirement. This calls for a
comparison of expenses across options to identify the most cost-effective one.
Financial planner –Retirement
planning is serious business. It is serious enough for you to commit money
towards it. And it is serious enough for you to consider engaging an
experienced and competent financial planner who can handhold you through the
retirement planning and execution process.