Thursday, 30 June 2016

How to Choose a Pension Plan for Retirement Planning

Retirement planning is a critical financial responsibility that every individual owes to himself and his loved ones. Those who ignore it, have much to rue later when they outlive the money supply in the bank. With increase in life expectancy and escalating cost of living and healthcare, retirement planning must be taken up on priority.
Here are 10 tips for buying a retirement plan
Earlier the better – Retirement planning must begin early on. How early? Right from the time, you draw your first cheque, set aside some money for a rainy day. Over time as your salary/income increases, hike the contributions.
Equities are important – Studies have proved that over time, equities can add significant value to the portfolio compared to other assets like fixed deposits, bonds, gold and property. So when you are planning for retirement, make sure equities are part of your plan. This could be in the form of unit-linked pension plans or equity funds or stocks.
Think diversification – Equities are good, but so are fixed deposits, bonds and gold. Wait, aren’t we contradicting the previous point where we said equities work harder than other assets. True, but that is not to say equities will solve all your problems. You need a portfolio with equities in it along with other assets like fixed deposits and gold. All these assets need to be in a particular weightage or allocation. Together they form a portfolio that can help you achieve post-retirement aspirations.
PPF will not be enough – Many individuals go into retirement planning with an auto pilot mindset. They contribute money towards options like PPF (public provident fund) or EPF (employee’s provident fund) and believe they are set to retire in comfort. This is far from the truth, these options are at best one of the avenues we discussed earlier (remember equities, fixed deposits, bonds, gold). There is more to be done in terms of building a portfolio than just PPF. PPF or EPF won’t even be enough to fight inflation. Picture this – if long-term inflation is at 6% and the PPF rate is 8.5%, that’s a mere 2.5% (8.5%-6.0%) net of inflation. Imagine you go into PPF thinking you will make Rs 85 on every Rs 1,000 and you end up making Rs 25 on every Rs 1,000 because inflation stole the rest of the money from you.
Vesting age –Go for pension plan with a vesting age that matches your needs. There are some pension plans with vesting age starting at 40 years. So if you want an income stream that early on in life, go for such a plan. On the other hand, there are plans with vesting age at 85 years, which is suitable if you plan to retire late.
Higher sum assured - Go for a Retirement Pension Plan that gives out higher of sum assured on vesting and accrued bonuses or assured benefit.
Assured death benefit – Prefer a plan with a minimum payment on death – for e.g. 100% of reimbursement of premiums.
A suitable annuity option– Opt for a pension plan with the annuity options most suited to you – for e.g. the lifetime option guarantees annuity for a certain number of years regardless of whether policyholder survives or not, the joint life/last survivor annuity gives out pension till the individual is alive, post which his spouse receives the pension.
Expenses – Go for options where charges / expenses are competitive. Remember the more money you lose towards expenses, the less you save towards retirement. This calls for a comparison of expenses across options to identify the most cost-effective one.

Financial planner –Retirement planning is serious business. It is serious enough for you to commit money towards it. And it is serious enough for you to consider engaging an experienced and competent financial planner who can handhold you through the retirement planning and execution process.

Retirement Insurance Policy

Click here For more Retirement Pension Plan are aimed at helping you save & invest systematically to build a retirement corpus that helps you retain your lifestyle.

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Make Retirement The Best Phase In Life – Plan Now !

Retirement is a chapter that proposes a new charter of life to a person and is a conversion from a lifetime of work towards relaxation. It is that period of time when a retired person gets to enjoy his/her life and exist in the small pleasures of life which was always left on the back burner. “Life begins at retirement”- a true statement, However, to maintain oneself during this period without having to rely on someone and to live life on one’s own terms and conditions, one needs to plan beforehand and this planning requires the individual to put savings into retirement plans for getting economical coverage and enjoyment in the post retirement stage of their life.
A good retirement policy makes sure that the insured and his/her family will receive a regular income as pension and it also provides facility of choosing the retirement age and date as well in which one receives the pension amount.
Below are the some key things that you must keep in mind while capitalizing for the retirement plans:
Buy an insurance plan at an early age to get more benefits for post-retirement years
Retirement age is known as the time period when a person decides to end the build-up phase of money and move towards the phase of capitalizing on the cash build-up. It is vital to understand that you must choose the plan which can meet your requirements for the future and the cost of the premium that you would be able to easily afford.
You should consider the rising costs of health treatment or an unplanned  vacations that you may undertake during that period before selecting a retirement plan. Hence it is vital to think about the manner of pension income that you will get based upon your lifestyle requirements.
Types of Retirement Plans
Usually in India the basic types of retirement plans that are offered by the insurers are the one in which the insured will get fixed returns as stated by the insurance company along with the minimal deviation. On the other hand, there are some plans in which the funds would be invested in debt or equity by the insurer. In the latter case, the returns depend upon the market trends. Based on these facts you can choose from any of the below mentioned retirement policies available in India-
Deferred Annuity Plans: in this you will pay the premium for certain years while you are working and would receive the pension amount after retirement.
Immediate Annuity Plan: it is one of the best policies for those who have lump-sum cash. Under this, you will get pension right from the day of payment.
Pension plans or Retirement Insurance Policy are most suitable for senior citizens of the family. It provides stability to the insured in a financial and emotional manner. With a good plan, you don’t need to compromise for the good things in life and wouldn’t have to rely on others for meeting your basic needs. Pension plan provide double benefits as it insures you and gives a fixed pension amount after your retirement. But before choosing a pension plan you need to do some research on the products that are available in the market.
It is advisable for you to get free quotes on retirement plans online and compare them with similar products available on the different online web aggregator sites. By doing a comparison, you will get a good policy that can meet your requirements at an affordable cost. Don’t just go for a reduced premium but check out all the features of the plan. There are many online insurers that are providing retirement plans and insurance web aggregators that may assist you in doing the calculation which is essential for choosing a good retirement plan. Retirement Insurance Policy.


Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Understand How To Secure Your Old Age?

The quality of your lifestyle at your retirement age very much depends upon how you utilize your money in your earning years. The earlier you start saving, the better is your amount of investment and superior is your purchasing power during those sunset years.
Leverage the simplicity and insurance element
If you want to be self-sufficient while you are retired, you have to plan and choose the best way to save for the future now. You can acquire a land or a property for leasing, put your money in equity related funds, buy debentures and mutual funds or choose to deposit a part of your earnings with the bank for a fixed number of years. Nonetheless, if you want protection element embedded in your retirement savings plan, you can choose to buy a pension plan. Pension plans not only provide a financial stability but also a security in old age. Buying pension plans online can also be a convenient way of going through the terms and conditions of the policy online.
The best thing about pension plan is, it is not intricate like other investment sources and you have the liberty to choose the amount of your savings as well as what you want to receive as pension. But before this you need to understand the various types of pension plans.
Types of pension plans
Pension plans are also called as annuity plans. If we categorize broadly, you can choose either endowment/traditional or unit-linked plan. Annuity plans can be further classified on the basis of time period for which the insured receives the pension in form of regular income, as:
Deferred Annuity Plan: This is the pension plan that defers or postpones the receipt of pension for a fixed time period defined by the insured, which is up to the limit of retirement age. Till that time, the insured keeps on paying the premium or installments to only make the annuity reserve grow.
Immediate Annuity Plan: In this plan, the insured needs to put the lump sum amount once at the initial phase and then he is eligible to receive regular pension income immediately.
Annuity Certain: This is the plan that lets the insured to receive the pension for fixed number of years as defined by him in his policy at the time of acquirement.
Lifetime annuity: This plan provides pension to the insured for the life time. In case of insured’s death, the nominee is entitled to receive the total premium amount along with the bonuses accrued on it.
Guaranteed period annuity: The insured gets a fixed income for a particular period after the retirement, however in case of an eventuality his nominee is entitled to receive the compensation. In case the insured is able to survive, annuities are paid to him for the lifetime.
Joint life/ last survivor annuity: This plan allows regular income to the insured. In case of his demise, the joint life or the retirement planuse is entitled to receive the annuities for the lifetime.
You Money can be defined as the power to spend which enables you to acquire the lifestyle of your choice. Now it depends on how you utilize your power and invest it in credible sources. It is never too late or too early to save and plan for the old age. So that you are actually independent in your older years, do not think any more instead compare and buy best Retirement Pension Plan now.
The most important part of any insurance buying process is comparison. Comparing insurance policies online is the most recommended practice and websites like provide such detailed comparison of plans provided by various insurers.


Monday, 27 June 2016

Policy changes for small employer retirement plans

Broad adoption of workplace savings plans for small employers may require policy changes that encourage small businesses to give their employees the opportunity to save for their future.
What can we do to solve this problem? Here are five ideas that Empower Retirement believes can help with this important goal:
1.       Develop a simplified starter 401(k). Small businesses operate very differently from their mid- and large-market counterparts. They don’t have the same resources to manage a workplace savings plan, but they should have access to a simpler solution that removes administrative burdens. This starts with eliminating expensive and time-consuming testing and limiting in-service withdrawals, which reduce the amount of savings available at retirement. This could ease plan administration and keep the plan healthy by minimizing asset reduction.
2.       Expand underutilized startup tax credits and make the credits refundable. Small businesses take time to get off the ground. Profitability, which may be minimal during the early years, eliminates the value of a nonrefundable credit. Additionally, the uptake rate of the current credits is low — approximately a half-million dollars annually.3 We have to increase these tax credits to improve uptake.
3.       Increase availability of multiple-employer plans. Small businesses have limited access to the multiple-employer plan (MEP) system. This is due to the Department of Labor’s stance that there must be some commonality among MEP sponsors. Under current IRS rules, a disqualifying event by a single sponsor can disqualify the entire MEP.  This further discourages adoption.
4.       Establish designated plan providers to oversee administration of MEPs. A designated plan provider (DPP) could assume many of the fiduciary responsibilities to eliminate concerns and fears small businesses have related to this role. The creation of DPPs would also encourage Retirement Fund service providers to fully engage in this market.
5.       Create a regulatory environment that encourages plan adoption and maintenance. Small businesses need a simple, limited-liability correction process that doesn’t result in overly punitive penalties or unwarranted windfalls to participants. Policy makers need to remove the administrative burden associated with termination and asset distribution of abandoned plans. Providers should be able to streamline, consolidate and deliver required notices in a manner that leverages evolving technologies.
Retirement service providers and policymakers should work in partnership to ensure that all working Americans have access to an employer-sponsored savings plan. Any one of the proposed ideas could help more employers provide a retirement plan for their workers. These ideas can also help us bridge the retirement access gap.


Saturday, 25 June 2016

Let your retirement be a new start to your new life

Venkatesh, a resident of Bangalore, was shocked when he enquired the price of flowers during the festive season, a few weeks ago. He was asked to pay Rs 50 for a small quantity! What surprised Venkatesh was the fact he could afford to buy same flowers for a cost of Rs 0.50 (yes, you read it right) less than a decade ago. For a man preparing for a retired life 10-15 years from now, this was worrying news.
In fact, retirement as a concept should get its due share of respect and time has come for all of us to put our mind on the subject. Not only because the price of goods and services we buy will keep increasing but also because we have to pay for them even when we don’t have the luxury of salary income. With life expectancy steadily increasing over the years, many of us may end up having a post-retirement life which could be equal to our working years!
While the above scenario may look scary, the good news is that we also have products which help us to tide over the challenging phase. The perfect example is pension plan which ensures steady flow of regular income as long as the investor is alive.
How does a pension plan work?
As the name indicates, the objective of the product is to provide pension income to the investor during his life for which he makes contributions during his income (earning) years. As a result, one should start looking at the pension plan at the earliest as longer the tenure, larger would be the corpus. At the end of the premium paying term, the customer has the option of withdrawing 1/3 of the corpus amount and choose to receive annuity or receive pension for the rest of his life.
Needless to say, an investor who thinks about Retirement Pension Plan at the age of 25 can afford to invest as little as Rs 20,000 per annum as he has the luxury of contributing for a period of 25-30 years. On the other hand, an investor who thinks about retirement at the age of 45 does not have the same luxury as he may not be able to work for 25 years due to various reasons. Hence, he may have to shell out a minimum of Rs 2 lakh per annum to manage his post-retirement life.
In fact, financial goal is an important aspect of retirement planning as the amount saved during working life should take care of the needs of the investor when he does not save. So, the best way to go about is to arrive at the cost of living at current level. Then factor in inflation over the long term which will be equivalent to the current expenditure. As you observed earlier in the case of flowers, the cost does not remain the same. Through pension plan, the problem of inflation will be tackled as the money saved during working life grows over a period of time.
One of the arguments against pension plans is that why go for a pension scheme when an investor can invest in various other products like equity schemes or fixed deposits and manage on his own. The answer is simple. Pension scheme is the only product which ensures regular income without the hassles of money management. In the case of pension plan, an investor needs to only invest during his income years. After the end of the term or when he requires pension, the company takes up the responsibility of paying pension as long as the investor is alive. No other product ensures such facility. This should prompt all of us to sign up for the pension plan.
Key factors of a pension plan
·         Start investing in a pension plan at the earliest. Every delay means less pension income in the long term.
·         Pension contribution is a long term commitment and hence avoid discontinuance
·         Sign up for a pension plan in line with your long term needs. It should ideally be part of your overall financial planning.
·         Check if your pension plan allows flexibility in terms of top-up facility, annuity options, etc
·         Contributions to a pension plan come under Section 80C. It can be part of your overall tax planning.  


Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Why Should I Buy Insurance Before 25?

Yeah, young age does that to us. Gives us wings, a hope that time lasts forever and it will be a long time before the end comes and that becomes our biggest nemesis! Not only that, when we are young we tend to forget how the body behaves, since it has always been healthy and growing and showing signs of immortality. It’s only after we start to age in our late 30’s or early 40’s when we realise that we are not that active or healthy anymore like we were in the prime of our youth! By then it becomes late as far as our planning for a health coverage plan or life insurance is concerned.
The best time to start thinking about old age and sickness is when you still can, in a rational and stable state of mind. That time is when you’re pretty young, and logically speaking, there is a lot of practical benefit to it as well. The reason you should take a call for the insurance investments before you turn 25 has a lot to do with commercial benefits that you can’t avail at a later age.
An important aspect while buying insurance should be to consider lifelong renewal. This way you can stay covered and enjoy the insurance benefits throughout your life without paying hefty premiums or worrying too much about the costs of treatments.
It is only one life and it is mandatory to plan it in a way that not only it benefits you, but also your family members. Not only should it make things easier for you, it also takes away the stress from you, of thinking about the medical costs in case something unforeseen happens.
Do make such decision when you’re really young, so that even if insurance money is not utilized for medial or after-death benefits, after maturity of the policy, the money can be used for retirement purposes. 

Retirement Plan Company  investing early would mean the companies can offer you a wide variety of coverage plans, which are not available for older people. This would mean more options for you to think about that can take care of not only your life insurance needs, but also health insurance plans that cover diseases associated with age.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Keep your retirement income goals in mind

The purpose of a retirement plan is to replace income in retirement. If you’re still thinking about your retirement plan in terms of accumulated assets you might be more likely to have a negative reaction to market declines. It would be understandably frightening to see, for example, a 5 or 10% drop in your balance. You might even be tempted to take action and assume that by doing so you’ll reduce losses.
However, if you’re thinking about your retirement plan in terms of the monthly income you’ll receive in retirement, then market corrections are going to seem less impactful. The effect of even a large market move on your monthly paycheck in retirement is going to seem insignificant if you’re planning for the long term. If one develops that monthly retirement income mentality it’s a great way to diminish any fears and will help prevent making emotional investing decisions.
Develop a plan to help guide you through turbulent markets
Hopefully, you’ve got an advisor with whom you’ve developed a retirement plan that’s aligned with your goals. If you don’t, research from the Lifetime Income Score V4 shows that the value of advice is significant. It’s critical that in times of market volatility you stick with that plan and don’t let unexpected market turns force you off the path unnecessarily.
With a high degree of certainty, I can say that you and your advisor did not develop a plan that required you to panic when the markets become volatile. Your plan does not instruct you to react with emotion when markets decline. Stick to your guns and stay the course. Your advisor knows how to build a retirement plan and you ought to have confidence in it.
Market timing does not pay
Part of the reason you should be in an advisor relationship is to help keep you in the market at the right time and in the right investment vehicles to help keep your savings working for you. It’s certainly tempting to think that by exiting the market you’ll avoid losses and be able to re-enter the market at the right time. There is a lot of research5 that’s been done to show that attempts to time the market are very difficult to successfully execute.
Check in with your advisor

If you have concerns, now is a good time to talk to your advisor. See what he or she is thinking about the current market environment, ask questions and discuss whatever concerns you may have. The conversation alone may provide with Retirement Plan Company assurances you need. If the current market environment is exposing flaws in your strategy or revealing that you may not have the risk tolerance you originally thought you had then, by all means, work with your advisor to make a change. But more often than not, your next step is to do nothing, stay the course and keep on saving toward your goals.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Insurance Plans Provide Guaranteed Income For Post Retirement Life

Indian people have an instant requirement for a financial product which gives long-term stability and can provide them an guaranteed income source during post-retirement years. Most people are not secured with any type of pension plans. Therefore, they are dependent on their own income or need a help from their working children. They do not accumulate enough money to use it as a support for themselves at the stage of retirement. So, they face some serious slipping possibility into poverty once they are retired.
The overall situation does look like a scary dream, but you can overcome very easily if you begin early planning for retirement as well as start investing for long periods to benefit from the power of compounding returns to make a rough retirement corpus.
Working people needs to focus on an income needed to continue their current standard of lifestyle and offer support for expensive medical costs in post-retirement years. Then, buyers would reach at a monthly allocation which requires to be prepare from their current earnings to get an ideal retirement corpus and benefit from an uninterrupted flow of income during post retirement years to continue the current lifestyle.
Many insurance companies provide a wide range of best pension plans that can go long way in targeting the post-retirement issues of current working population. All these schemes have a long-term orientation when it comes to investing the premiums with a goal to make a flow of annual income through a good combination of non-guaranteed and guaranteed cash payments.
Insurance cover gives a  strength to handle the risk of a sudden death of the insured person with brave heart and a choice to customize the insurance by selecting from a bundle of riders for additional security to minimize the financial impact of various major threats to the livelihood of the policyholder because of serious illness.
These schemes plan lifetime security along with guaranteed lifetime annual income. Plus, these products are one of the best ways for generating an annual income till death, it works really well when customers buy the same for their child. Once buyer pays premiums for a certain period, his child enjoys a guaranteed income every year along with insurance cover for whole life.
These pension schemes offers a neatly-structured schemes for post-retirement years and offer a discipline to regularly invest in the best retirement plans. These products would empower a policyholder to hold a charge of funding their golden years and enjoy financial independence once they retire.

Along with good health, a sustainable income on retirement is also important for a secure retired life.